Maximizing Your SEO with Google Business Profile Posts

Maximizing SEO

As a valued Compete client at Onelocal, you’ve already embarked on the journey to boost your digital presence through our SEO-optimized blogs. These pieces are engineered not just to populate your website with content, but to strategically improve its visibility and attract your desired audience through organic search. Yet, there’s another dimension to this strategy that could further amplify the reach and effectiveness of your SEO efforts—using Google Business Profile (GBP) posts to promote this content directly on Google’s platform.

This approach can significantly enhance your engagement with potential customers and bolster your overall SEO performance.

The Value of GBP Posts

Google Business Profile offers a direct channel to highlight your services, share updates, and, crucially, promote your content directly on Google. These posts have the potential to improve local SEO, boost engagement with your audience, and drive traffic directly to your website.

Value of GBP Posts

For Compete clients, integrating GBP posts into your marketing strategy represents an invaluable opportunity to extend the reach and impact of your SEO-optimized blogs.

Crafting Effective GBP Posts

1. Highlight Key Insights from Your Blogs

Each blog you receive is rich with insights and valuable information. Extract compelling snippets or key points from these blogs to create engaging GBP posts. This not only intrigues readers but also encourages them to visit your website for more information.

Creating Effective Posts

Example Structure:

  • Start with a Question or Fascinating Fact: “Did you know that 80% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations?”
  • Offer a Solution or Insight: “Find out how managing your online reviews can dramatically increase your business’s credibility. Read our latest blog.”
  • Include a Call-to-Action: “Dive deeper into effective reputation management [Link to Blog].”

2. Utilize SEO Best Practices

Just like your blogs, GBP posts benefit from the strategic use of keywords. Identify relevant keywords from your blogs and incorporate them into your GBP posts. This practice enhances your posts’ visibility to those searching for related topics or services.

3. Leverage Visuals

A compelling image can dramatically increase the click of your GBP post to the blog. Choose an eye-catching, relevant image from your blog or use a high-quality stock photo to grab attention.

4. Keep it Fresh and Frequent

Consistency is key in digital marketing. Aim to post on GBP regularly, using fresh insights and updates from your latest blogs. This not only keeps your audience engaged but also signals to Google that your business is active and relevant.

The SEO Impact of GBP Posts

GBP posts contribute to a holistic SEO strategy in several ways:

SEO Impact

Increased Visibility: Regular posts can improve your ranking in local search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Enhanced Engagement: By providing direct value through your posts, you encourage interactions, shares, and visits to your website.

How to Post on Google Business Profile (GBP)

To start posting on GBP, you’ll need to have your Google Business Profile set up and verified. Once that’s in place, posting updates is a straightforward process designed to amplify your business’s presence on Google. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Sign In to Your Google Business Profile:

Navigate to and sign in with the Google account associated with your business profile.

2. Select the Location:

If you manage multiple locations, select the specific location you want to post an update for from the list.

3. Click on ‘Add Update’ from the Menu:

On the left-hand menu of your GBP dashboard, click on “Add Update.” Here, you can create various types of posts, including updates, events, offers, and more.

4. Choose Your Post Type:

Select the post you wish to create. For sharing your SEO-optimized blog content, an “Update” post is the most appropriate.


5. Craft Your Post:

  • Upload an Image or Video: Choose a compelling, high-quality image that reflects your blog’s content. 
  • Write Your Post: In the text field, craft a brief, engaging teaser of your blog post. 
  • Add a Call-to-Action (CTA): GBP offers a range of CTA options.
    For blog promotion, “Learn more” is typically the most fitting, linking directly to your blog page.

6. Preview & Publish:

Before publishing, preview your post to ensure everything looks good and the link works correctly. If satisfied, click “Publish.”

Getting Started

For Compete clients ready to enhance their SEO efforts, GBP posts offer a practical and potent tool. Start by reviewing your latest blogs for insights and key points that can translate into engaging posts. Experiment with different formats and track the engagement on each post to refine your approach.

While Onelocal’s expertise has set the foundation with SEO-optimized content creation, your proactive engagement with GBP posts can magnify those efforts, driving higher traffic and improving your overall online presence. As you venture into this strategy, remember that consistency, relevance, and engagement are your allies in maximizing your SEO potential.

This journey towards enhanced digital visibility is ongoing, and every step you take, including leveraging GBP posts, reinforces your presence in the digital landscape. Explore, experiment, and watch your efforts bear fruit as you harness the power of your OneLocal partnership.

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